Sage Advice

Leadership and education for accounting professionals

by Jennifer Warara, vice president and general manager of Sage Accountant Solutions at Sage North America

Last year we launched Leadership Education for Accounting Professionals (LEAP), an education program in partnership with the Business Learning Institute, a company founded by the Maryland Association of CPAs that creates custom learning solutions for individuals and organizations, that demonstrates how accounting professionals can add more value to their clients, stay ahead of the LEAP competition by understanding emerging industry trends, and uncover growth strategies for not only the accounting firm, but also for their clients.

The feedback we’ve received from attendees is just astounding. Statements like, “This changed my life,” I’ve heard more than once. I’m really proud of this program and I encourage all accounting professionals to take advantage of it. We offer in-person workshops and seminars, webcasts, and on-demand content to help accounting professionals juggle the everyday demands of their work while still being able to develop themselves personally and professionally.

We launched a new and improved website for the program. is the place to go to find out the course schedule, sign up for a course, and to get more information on our brilliant course leaders.

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